Matthew 25: 35-40
Then the King will say to those on his right, Come, you who are
blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom
prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was
hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you
gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me
in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you
looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.
After being
ordained 100% of the Priest are committed to serve 50%
of thier time serving as a Priest in the most needy of
Parishes in the USA. You know we have a shortage of
Priests in many Dioceses in the USA. Your donations to
the Claretians Missionaries in Cameroon will assist
Parishes in the USA.
Father Jude Thaddeus Langeh
for all Fiscal and Operational Processes in Cameroon
Deacon Hector J. Ibarra
Resposible for all Fund Raising Activities in USA
Christopher Maher
Responsible for Coordinating, Music, TV, Phone,
telecommunication, Video Productions for New

Serving in
the peripheries of Cameroon: Mission Talk 2018
The Claretian Missionaries from Canada and the USA
arrived in Cameroon in 1970 and 1986, respectively. They
worked very hard in the religious, social and
humanitarian spheres. Today, thanks to their hard work,
the Claretians (50 priests and almost
100 seminarians) are serving in nine dioceses, and in 18
parishes in Cameroon. Their apostolate is based on
working with the poorest of the poor, and the
marginalised in the peripheries. Pope Francis has
encouraged all Christians to go to the peripheries and
help those living there. Some of us are privileged to be
missionaries in these peripheries. I have come to tell
you today that you can be privileged to be part of this
as well, through your prayers and above all your
financial and material support.
The Social Reality of Cameroon is presently in a very
deplorable and sub-humanitarian position. Cameroonian
society is heterogeneous. It consists of several ethnic
groups, and it inherited the colonial system of two
linguistic traditions and policies, that is, Francophone
and Anglophone. Therefore, the problem of unity in
diversity arises in the socio-political field. There
have been many conflicts, with nefarious consequences.
In the North, the Boko Haram crises, whose aim is to
Islamise the population, has led to many, many deaths
from Suicide Bombing, and many refugees. So many are
homeless and lack food and water. Many die of
malnutrition. The war in the neighbouring Central
African Republic has also led to the influx of so many
refugees especially women and young girls. We work in
these zones of Conflict.
Many of our parishes are located in areas where there is
conflict known as the Anglophone Crisis. They have felt
abandoned by the central government, and marginalised in
so many capacities. On this note, there have been
several strikes, leading to the loss of lives. Schools
have been shut down, or moving ahead in fear for two
years now. This has led to the displacement of many
families whose houses and properties have been burnt. In
the midst of this crises, our Christians are highly
affected. Many of them come to live in the Church
building as their only source of hope.
In some parishes, there is so much insecurity from
shooting, and many have lost their lives to bullets. In
such zones, the parishioners have moved to the forest,
living under a hot sun and heavy downpour of rains. Some
pregnant women have had to give birth in such
situations. Our missionaries have moved with them to
these areas. They serve not only as priests, but as
nurses, midwives, teachers, etc. It has been extremely
hard to feed our Christians as the local food supply is
running out. They cannot move to the nearby towns toget
food because of the heavy military shooting.
We urgently need help to feed them, and give them basic
water and medication. Do not hesitate to contribute any
amount. Every contribution will save a life of so many
innocent people. If we do not help them they may take up
arms for self-defence. Some of the boys have already
left due to hunger and frustration to fight against the
military forces. Many corpses are decaying in the
forests. We fear the outbreak of many epidemics in such
deplorable situations. It was already announced that
Monkey Pox has started devastating some of these areas.
On this note, we are appealing for your support to save
a life from premature death. We intend to sink bore
holes to give them potable water. We also wish to engage
them in basic subsistence agriculture to work for their
own food. We also want to put up dispensaries to cater
for the medical welfare of these people.